V.I.P Club Only !!
Yet another exclusive for the site and this time there`s been rather a lot of effort put into bringing this one to you guys.It was painstakingly transferred into the digital domain from 2" tape..or reel to reel as some might say..If only Adat`s were about back in the day lol..
I`d also like to take this opportunity to ask any of our older studio bods that might have any other 2" master tapes (or any other tape format) laying around gathering dust in the studio, to please get in touch if they care to donate them to the cause. We now have the means and technology to get them digified!
Download links:
The Weather Girls - It`s Raining Men (VHQ Multitrack Stems)
[NOTE] This file is for the site`s V.I.P Members only.Donate 10 pounds cash sterling and join the Acapellas4All V.I.P Club,and this and everything else on the V.I.P Page will then be available to download as well. :-)
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